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Cardanica - Dario Tonani I told my daughter I'd been offered a copy of a book to review, that it was steampunk. She asked me to define "steampunk". I said I thought of it as anything set in a Victorian society with advanced technology created using the materials and machinery of that time. Mostly, I said, I think it's about the aesthetic.By my own definition, this isn't steampunk, because it's set on another world, a poisonous one, and there's no hint of what the society is like within the narrow confines of the story. Narrow confines, indeed. If you're looking for a story, reminiscent of Poe, something to creep you or a loved one out around Halloween, maybe to give as a gift for All Hallow's Read, this is an excellent choice.I got goosebumps from the delicious ickiness of it.Review copy from editor.