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The Amber Spyglass (His Dark Materials Series #3)

The Amber Spyglass  - Philip Pullman

23 Nov 2000


My favorite of the trilogy. Pullman ended it appropriately, I think. What I love is all the modern world physics mixed in.


3 Oct 2016


Neither of the girls let me read them the whole series, nor read it themselves. Sigh. Oh, well, although I remembered the Golden Compass well from multiple reads and multiple film viewings, I didn't remember the second and third books as well. So, that seemed an appropriate choice for Banned Books Week, even if I didn't get them done on time.

17 Jan 2020 It's taken me all week to finish this one book because winter and sickness. Pleh. I still love it, but again, I'm surprised by how much I had forgotten.



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