No doubt this reflects a tremendous lack in me, but I don't get it. I got the rhythm, which is drilled into my brain, but the point of the thing eludes me. Sailor kills an albatross, which is bad, the ship is becalmed and everyone except him dies. Now he travels the earth where every so often he meets someone he is compelled to tell his story to. Poor wedding guest is stuck listening to the story, and is moved by it, which makes one of us.
I have no idea why killing albatrosses should be worse than killing anything else, no idea why he killed it in the first place, and no idea why everyone else should be killed thereby, nor why he is saved to tell the story. I'm going to guess it's something religious, or drug-addled. There are a few catchy lines, but there's a lot more that annoy me being so unnaturally stuffed into the scheme.