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Just One Damned Thing After Another - Jodi Taylor

Just One Damned Thing After Another - Jodi Taylor

It's always interesting to see what a different author does with a familiar concept. I quite enjoyed Taylor's take on time travel, and if I'd had all the stories on hand, no doubt I'd have read them all right then. But I'm under a temporary moratorium on book buying, so the rest will have to wait. This was also read on Spring Break. I managed to do a lot of reading. We started out pretty early every morning, and after an entire day of walking around and talking to people, and sometimes, sitting in on classes, we were both beat pretty early. We'd go back to the hotel, change into jammies, eat something in bed, while we each read, not speaking. Not pissed at each other or anything, just worn out from all the interaction with other people. We were in bed by seven at the latest, then reading, reading, reading. Introverts do well to travel with other introverts.

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