I may never finish this. Getting through the first two sections was a slog. Veronica and I talked a lot about it as we were going on (she was reading it for school), and it is clear To me that i fundamentally did not get it. Veronica said the third section was good, and I believe her, because our taste in books has a huge area of overlap, but I disliked reading the first two so much I couldn't bring myself to carry on.
This tells you several things: Veronica is a much better student than I ever was, because while she might complain of an assignment, she does always finish it. Also, that I am really not good at doing things that are "good for me". And beyond that, sometimes I cannot for the life of me figure out what an author is trying to convey. I am glad I tried to read it, though because talking about it with Veronica was worth putting up with Bigger.
Personal copy.